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Boost Customer Engagement with Meta Opt-in Manager and Reminders

Shane SoetanimanProduct Manager
Boost Customer Engagement with Meta Opt-in Manager and Reminders

Increasing meaningful engagement with customers is essential for brands to achieve better business results. Previously, introduced the Opt-in Manager, which seamlessly integrates with Meta’s Recurring Notifications on Instagram and Messenger, to enable brands to send highly personalized messages directly to end users (their customers). Through this feature, brands are able to easily create, schedule and automatically send personalized messages to boost sales, generate leads, increase brand awareness, enhance customer retention, and more.


Our latest update enables brands to set up automated opt-in reminders, engaging customers who have yet to opt-in to receive special offers, promotions, product drop notices, etc… This drastically increases the ability to reach a wider segment of new customers, increases more meaningful interactions, and accelerates the journey between awareness and conversion.


How it works

Using’s Opt-in Reminders is a seamless process—brands can work directly with our professional conversation designers to determine when opt-in reminders gets sent, based on target segments, time, or even when specific chat events occur.



When setting up Opt-in Reminders, brands have the flexibility to choose specific events in the journey to trigger ‘reminder’ notifications. For instance, opt-in reminders can be set to be sent a few days after an initial chatbot interaction or upon the completion of a conversion, or after a form submission or purchase. This targeted approach enhances the brand’s ability to engage and encourage conversion events during specific times or events throughout the customer journey.


The value of’s recurring notifications is it provides brands the ability to extend communication beyond Meta’s 24-hour limitation. Through this new feature, brands can continue to send marketing messages, even after this 24 hour window. By utilizing automated reminders strategically, brands can maximize the lifetime value of customers, leading to higher conversions and sustained customer relationships.



The launch of’s Opt-in Manager and Reminders for Instagram marks a pivotal moment for businesses leveraging this channel in chat commerce. By seamlessly integrating with Meta’s Recurring Notifications, brands can now directly engage customers to continue the conversation for up to 24 hours after the initial chat interaction. This opportunity enables event-based reminders at crucial points in the customer journey, boosting engagement and conversions. With plans to expand to Messenger soon, remains committed to advancing customer-centric communication solutions in chat commerce for Meta channels and beyond.


If you are interested in trying out the feature, talk to your conversation designer or reach out to our solutions team.


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