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Salesforce B2C Commerce Cartridge — Accurately Track Conversions from Chat to Checkout

Tanvi WakankarProduct Manager
Salesforce B2C Commerce Cartridge — Accurately Track Conversions from Chat to Checkout

We are excited to debut our Salesforce B2C Commerce cartridge, as another step in extending the capabilities and integrations of the ZEALS social chat commerce platform.  It is now available in beta, enabling our customers on the B2C Commerce platform to more accurately track conversions from chat to check out. As we continue to build and ship integrated capabilities for the B2C Commerce (and other ecommerce platforms) in the future, we have decided to first focus on providing our customers with the most essential solution first… the ability to accurately track and attribute conversions to their chat campaigns. 


The ability to accurately track cross channel conversions, where end users bounce between the chat experience and the website, is essential in helping brands understand the effectiveness of their chat campaigns, generate customer intelligence, and optimize performance. However, accuracy in tracking and attribution is a common challenge faced by many brands. More than often, brands are required to rely on a combination of piecing together several analytics tools, 3rd party cookies and scripts, and data engineering resources to accurately attribute conversions to the proper channels.


How it works

This Salesforce B2C Commerce cartridge is essentially a plugin that our customers can install onto their B2C Commerce instance to automatically generate unique tracking links for all products/offers served as offers in ZEALS chat experience. All click-throughs from the offers in the chat are automatically tracked through the SFCC unique tracking link appended to it, all the way up to a conversion event (e.g. confirmation or checkout).


The following system architecture diagram provides a high level overview of the user flow and how the tracking works. 



The architecture of the B2C Commerce Cartridge focuses on seamlessly integrating chatbot interactions with the SFRA storefront, ensuring that user actions and data from the chatbot are effectively captured, processed, and utilized for conversion tracking and other analytical purposes. This integration will enhance the user experience and provide valuable data insights by accurately tracking the conversion events on your B2C Commerce powered e-commerce website integrated with ZEALS chat experiences. 


If you are interested in testing out the ZEALS B2C Commerce Cartridge (beta), don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are happy to fully implement and do all the testing for you at no additional service cost.


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