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Introducing Conversion Tracking Code

Kyle MoulderSVP, Product
Introducing Conversion Tracking Code

Attribution is an ever-present challenge in the world of digital marketing, especially when you have multiple campaigns and channels driving traffic to your website. ZEALS is no stranger to this challenge, and that’s why we built our new Conversion Tracking Code. 


Conversions can be defined in a variety of ways – for some campaigns it’s a purchase, in others it’s a signup, booking, or download, and more. Regardless of the conversion event type, as long as it happens on your website, Zeals Conversion Tracking Code makes it easy to properly attribute conversions to traffic driven by ZEALS social chat commerce campaigns. Even if the user doesn’t convert right away – our cookie-based tracking system will attribute the conversion for up to 30 days after first visiting your website.


Using Zeals Conversion Tracking Code is simple and straightforward – once you’ve identified your conversion event (e.g. a purchase, signup, etc.), your conversation designer will generate a Javascript tracking snippet for your website. Simply take that snippet and add it to your website header to track Zeals traffic and conversions.


<!-- Conversion Tracking Code --> xxN
     <script defer data-tracking-id="65a60538e0fb41ae1ecc2c3f" data-domain="" 
      src="" ></script> 
<!-- End of Conversion Tracking Code -->


The Conversion Tracking Code performs two key functions:

  • Determining if a website visitor came from a Zeals chat – this is determined based on special parameters included in the URL clicked by a Zeals chat user when they transition to your website
  • Determining whether a conversion was triggered by a Zeals chat visitor – using the HTML and CSS on your conversion page, the Conversion Tracking Code will listen for a specific conversion event (defined by you). When a conversion event occurs, the Tracker will identify whether it was triggered by a Zeals chat user or not.


Once conversions are tracked, they’ll be included in your regular reports from Zeals. 


While there are many ways to track conversions – coupon codes, custom landing pages, Google Analytics – brands consistently struggle with edge cases and unexpected user behavior that results in untracked conversions. The Zeals Conversion Tracking Code is one of many ways that Zeals is helping brands to better understand the ROI on their social marketing spend, so they can spend more time focusing on maximizing conversions.


Reach out to your CD or contact our implementation team if would like to learn more about the conversion tracking code.





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