
Written by ジールスマーケティング | 2022/03/04

  • ジールス|編集部




I have always loved computers. That’s why I opted to graduate with a degree in Computer Science. Then, I started my career as a software engineer in 2013. Initially I used to work using .Net. Then I shifted to Go. For over 1 year, I have been working as a Go Developer.
テクノロジー開発部 Kiran Kumar Mohanty

My career began from learning operating systems. My first professional job within my career was as a system administrator at a software house in Indonesia (PT QuantumFin). At QuantumFin, we handled trading software, servers (self manage data centers) and databases (end-to-end solutions).
I learned a lot about how to handle high availability databases. We were using Postgresql 8 and Postgresql 9, although it is not yet released for replication. So, we used some alternate replication masters (Bucardo, PgPool-I, PgPoll-II, etc).

僕のキャリアはオペレーティングシステムを学ぶことから始まりました。最初の専門職は、インドネシアに本社を置くソフトウェアの会社(PT QuantumFin)でのシステム管理者。QuantumFinでは、トレーディングソフトウェア、サーバー(自己管理データセンター)、データベース(エンドトゥエンドのソリューション)を取り扱いました。
また、高可用性データベースの扱い方についても、多くのことを学びました。レプリケーションには、Postgresql 8とPostgresql 9を使用していました。Postgresql 9は未発売だったので、代わりになるものも使っていましたね(Bucardo、PgPool-I、PgPoll-IIなど)。

Moving away from traditional computations, I started my career as a DevOps Engineer. I I learned AWS in late 2014, building my application under a cloudbase. It’s totally different. IaaC helped me to reduce repeated execution. In mid 2015, we struggled with compute scaling, and we found a container solution to reduce time scaling. We started researching Mesos & Kubernetes Beta on GCP. Along with that research, we decided to move our application to a container base and use Kubernetes Beta while using bare metal. It was very difficult to build Kubernetes The Hard Way at that time. Kubernetes still uses iptables and haproxy for Ingress. All efforts paid off in 6 months, and we were able to scale quickly.

その後、従来のコンピュートから離れ、DevOpsエンジニアとしてのキャリアをスタートさせました。2014年末にAWSを学び、クラウドベースでアプリケーションを構築しました。今までと全く違った経験でした。IaaCのおかげで、繰り返しの実行を減らすことができました。2015年半ばにコンピュートスケーリングに苦戦しましたが、タイムスケーリングを軽減するコンテナソリューションに出会い、GCP上のMesos & Kubernetes Betaのリサーチを開始しました。リサーチをもとに、アプリケーションをコンテナベースに移行し、Kubernetes Betaを使用しつつ、ベアメタルも使用することにしました。当時、Kubernetes The Hard Wayを構築するのは非常に困難でした。KubernetesはまだIngressにiptablesとhaproxyを使っていたんです。6カ月で努力は報われ、迅速にスケールすることができました。

When I decided to leave my comfort zone, I tried working for several startups in Indonesia, and yes, I learned a lot of lessons including how to manage people. I got the opportunity to be a DevOps Manager and guide my subordinates to be what they hope to become.
Covid came, and all plans needed to re-route, including my big plan to build my own startup. Arya Stark said “not today.”

テクノロジー開発部 Berry Wirattama


I have always been fascinated by Japanese companies because of their focus on providing good customer service and producing world class products. Hence, I had an aspiration to work for a Japanese firm. One day, out of the blue, I received a request from a Zeals recruiter on LinkedIn. That’s when I got to know about the culture of OMOTENASHI and the chatbot they are making. After this, I interacted around 3 times with different team members and the experience was awesome. Everyone was trying to make me feel comfortable. That’s when I decided I must join this company as they really made me feel their omotenashi culture.
テクノロジー開発部 Kiran Kumar Mohanty

Ultimately, I said to myself that I need another challenge. So, I decided to join Zeals for my next challenge, working with people from many countries, which is awesome.
Also in late 2021, Mark announced the introduction of Facebook Metaverse, the future AI. Chatbots themselves are AI and I knew when I joined Zeals, it would guide me to my future, just like when my career started, it has led me up until now.
テクノロジー開発部 Berry Wirattama

ジールスには入社したメンバーが書くボードが存在します。それが「Will Board」皆さんはどんな思いを描きますか?

Competition is a sin.(競争は罪悪である)」
I personally have a firm belief that the only competition in life is in your own head. If you can master your own demons and believe unquestionably in your own conviction, it is from that point when extraordinary results are born.
テクノロジー開発部 Kiran Kumar Mohanty

Not today(今日じゃない)
“Not today” means a lot. For me it means “never give up.” We have tomorrow, we have another time, and we have another chance. It makes me always remember what went wrong in the past and what to do and not do in future.
テクノロジー開発部 Berry Wirattama