How Shiseido”Anessa” interacts with their audience through Zeals Chat Commerce on Instagram

In this article, you will discover how Shiseido “Anessa” leverages Conversational Commerce to help users understand the brand and purchase products.
This year, Shiseido’s sun care brand “Anessa” celebrates its 30th anniversary. As an expert sun care brand with more than 100 years of UV research, the brand is expanding not only in Japan but also in other Asian countries. Within the company, the Digital Marketing Strategy Group is responsible for communicating the world view of the Anessa brand and designing digital communications that connect customers to the brand.
Instagram is a Social Community Hub for interactive communication with their users
Anessa is active on Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Their social media serves the purpose of obtaining insights from their customers. Especially their Instagram account, which they have opened since 2017, serves as their most important hub for interactive communication.
Zeals Chat Commerce carefully communicates the attraction of Anessa’s unique products
In the sunscreen market in Japan, the demand for gel-type sunscreens has been increasing more than that for milky liquid sunscreens. Anessa has also made “two gel sunscreens ideal for daily blemish prevention” available as standard products from 2022.
However, there has always been a challenge for customers to find the perfect sunscreen for them through digital communication.
Zeals, seeing this as an opportunity, proposed content to match the best UV gel for users on Instagram using Zeals Chat Commerce. Through our solution, we can recommend products at an individual level and follow up with customers regardless of whether they made a purchase or not.
User insights achieved through personal communication with the customer
Instagram is a social media where actions are completed at a much faster pace than any other social media. We assumed that users would initiate the quiz content at a certain rate and that there would be a certain rate of abandonment. However, the start rate and completion rate of the quiz content exceeded our expectations, with a completion rate of approximately 90%. In addition, a post-quiz survey showed that about 95% of users deepened their understanding of the products, indicating a high level of brand exposure and promotion.
As for the purchase conversion rate, approximately 20% of users who took the quiz responded that they had purchased a product within 24 hours of the quiz completion. Of these, approximately 80% made a purchase in-person at a physical retail store. This shows that even if the conversion does not happen immediately, users are following up and converting at a higher rate online or, more often, in-store.
Zeals Chat Commerce evolve the buying experience
Instagram Ads on average have a high abandonment rate when the event is to send users back to the website.
Zeals Chat Commerce is a communication service that can be completed natively within the Instagram app, reducing abandonment and delivering the best results based on the skin concerns that users are reporting through 1-to-1 quiz content. Through this initiative, we are able to achieve careful communication that differs from conventional chatbots while segmenting customers with sun care needs.
Anessa will continue to utilize interactive communication with customers in the future. Our aim is to continue to address the concerns of customers that we have not yet reached, to connect with them, and to meet their needs as a brand.