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Innovating with Protogen: A Guide to Custom Protoc Plugin Development

Kiran Kumar MohantyBackend Engineer
Innovating with Protogen: A Guide to Custom Protoc Plugin Development


In January 2023, embarked on an ambitious project to build a self-service platform, highlighting the necessity for efficient data structuring and service communication in modern software development. Central to this endeavor was the integration of backend service endpoints with an API gateway, a process initially plagued by manual coding repetition.


To streamline this process, automation was the key. Our strategy involved the automatic generation of necessary code through our CI/CD pipeline, triggered by developers adding proto files for new gRPC endpoints to the API gateway. My role in developing this automation strategy led me to discover and utilize the Protogen library, which adeptly met our needs for organized file generation, code customization, and middleware integration for security.


This guide focuses on a sample project that mirrors the challenges faced in the project, demonstrating the creation of a custom protoc plugin using Protogen. While the project was complex, this document centers on a more illustrative example: generating structs from proto files with custom tags. This approach offers a clear and detailed insight into struct generation using Protogen, serving as a practical and educational resource for software developers.


Implementing Custom Struct Tag Generation in Protogen for Go gRPC Services

Having completed the introduction, I’ll now guide you through the process of writing a custom protoc plugin. The full code is available in this Github repository, but I’ll share some key snippets here for clarity and explanation. The repository includes both the plugin code and an example of the generated code, providing an opportunity for you to experiment and explore.


The goal of the plugin is to generate struct tags for JSON serialization and database fields (like those used in the ORMs) based on the message definition in the .proto files. The plugin could add relevant struct tags for popular Go libraries like encoding/json or ORMs like bun/gorm.




Create a new directory and execute the below command:

mkdir struct-tag-plugin
cd struct-tag-plugin && mkdir cmd/protoc-gen-structtag
go mod init
go get -u 

This sequence of commands creates a new directory for the `protoc-gen-structtag` plugin, sets up a nested directory structure for the Go command, initializes a Go module with the project’s import path, and fetches the Protocol Buffers Go API, preparing the environment for plugin development.


Let’s write the code that will generate structs with JSON and ORM(gorm/bun) tags.

Create a file main.go and put the following code.

package main

import (

var dbtag * string

func main() {
    var flags flag.FlagSet
    dbtag = flags.String("dbtag", "", "db tag to use for generated structs")
    options: = protogen.Options {
        ParamFunc: flags.Set,
    options.Run(func(gen * protogen.Plugin) error {
        if *dbtag == "" {
            gen.Error(errors.New("dbtag must be set"))
        for _, f: = range gen.Files {
            if !f.Generate {
            generateStructTags(gen, f)

        return nil

func generateStructTags(gen * protogen.Plugin, file * protogen.File) * protogen.GeneratedFile {
    filename: = file.GeneratedFilenamePrefix + "_structtags.pb.go"
    g: = gen.NewGeneratedFile(filename, file.GoImportPath)
    g.P("// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-structtags. DO NOT EDIT.")
    g.P("package ", file.GoPackageName)
    for _,
    message: = range file.Messages {
        g.P("type ", message.GoIdent, " struct {")
        for _, field: = range message.Fields {
            g.P(field.GoName, " ", field.Desc.Kind(), " `json:\"", field.Desc.Name(), "\" ", * dbtag, ":\"", field.Desc.Name(), "\"`")

        return g

A Deep Dive into Custom Code Generation

The above code snippet is related to how `protogen`, a part of the Go protocol buffer compiler (`protoc`), generates code from `.proto` files. Let’s break down the snippet to understand its functionality:


Setting Up Options:

options := protogen.Options{
    ParamFunc: flags.Set,

Here, an instance of `protogen.Options` is created. `ParamFunc` is set to `flags.Set`, which is a function that will be used to parse command-line parameters. This setup is crucial for handling any flags or additional parameters passed to the plugin.


Running the Plugin:

options.Run(func(gen *protogen.Plugin) error {
// ...


The `Run` method of `options` is called with a function that takes a `*protogen.Plugin` as an argument. This function is where the main logic of the plugin resides. The `*protogen.Plugin` object (`gen`) represents the entire run of the plugin and contains information about all the files to be generated, among other things.


Checking for `dbtag`:

if *dbtag == "" {
    gen.Error(errors.New("dbtag must be set"))

Inside the function, there’s a check to ensure that the `dbtag` option is set. If `dbtag` is not provided, the plugin reports an error using `gen.Error`. The `dbtag` is likely a custom flag used to specify database tags for struct fields in the generated code, which is essential for ORM  (Object-Relational Mapping) compatibility.


Iterating Over Files:

for _, f := range gen.Files {
   if !f.Generate {
   generateStructTags(gen, f)

The plugin iterates over all the files (`gen.Files`) that are part of the code generation process. For files that require generation, it calls `generateStructTags(gen, f)`, for adding struct tags to the generated Go structs, based on the `.proto` file definitions and the `dbtag` option.


Now, create the following folders:

  • proto
  • internal

Create a proto file with the following content and put the file in the proto folder.

syntax = "proto3";
package entity;

option go_package = "";

message HelloRequest{
   string name = 1;

message HelloResponse{
   string message = 1;

message User{
   int32 id = 1;
   string name = 2;
   string email = 3; 
   string password = 4;
   string phone = 5;
   string address = 6;
   string city = 7;
   string state = 8;
   string country = 9;
   string zip = 10;
   string createdAt = 11;
   string updatedAt = 12;
   string deletedAt = 13;
   string lastLogin = 14;
   string lastLoginIp = 15;
   string lastLoginLocation = 16;

Then execute the following commands which will install the plugin locally.

cd cmd/protoc-gen-structtag && go install && cd ..


If there is no error message, then you can check the bin folder of your $GOPATH directory for a binary named protoc-gen-structtag.


Once we are done with the installation, we can run the below command to execute the plugin to generate Go structs for each message present in the above proto file with JSON and ORM(bun/gorm) tags.

protoc --structtag_out=internal --structtag_opt=paths=source_relative,dbtag=bun proto/*.proto

The command operates as follows:

  1.  `protoc` first parses and validates all the `.proto` files provided to it.
  2. It then searches for any arguments formatted as `<plugin>_out`. Flags matching this format are recognized as plugins. `protoc` looks for a plugin named `protoc-gen-<plugin>` within the `$GOPATH` and executes it. In our case, the plugin is named `protoc-gen-structtag`.
  3. After that, `protoc` checks for `<plugin>_opt` arguments, known as options. These options allow passing multiple arguments to the plugin. In our scenario, the options include `path`, an inbuilt option that informs the compiler about the file’s path relative to the output folder. Additionally, we have a custom option named `dbtag`, where we specify the ORM for which we want to generate tags (e.g., `dbtag=bun` for Bun ORM tags). If there are more options, they can be passed, separated by commas.
  4. Finally, protoc creates a code generation request and passes it to the plugin protogen via stdin which will return the code generation response via stdout.


The above command would produce a file with the following content in the internal folder.

// Code generated by protoc-gen-go-structtags. DO NOT EDIT.

package proto

type HelloRequest struct {
   Name string `json:"name" bun:"name"`
type HelloResponse struct {
   Message string `json:"message" bun:"message"`
type User struct {
   Id int32 `json:"id" bun:"id"`
   Name string `json:"name" bun:"name"`
   Email string `json:"email" bun:"email"`
   Password string `json:"password" bun:"password"`
   Phone string `json:"phone" bun:"phone"`
   Address string `json:"address" bun:"address"`
   City string `json:"city" bun:"city"`
   State string `json:"state" bun:"state"`
   Country string `json:"country" bun:"country"`
   Zip string `json:"zip" bun:"zip"`
   CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt" bun:"createdAt"`
   UpdatedAt string `json:"updatedAt" bun:"updatedAt"`
   DeletedAt string `json:"deletedAt" bun:"deletedAt"`
   LastLogin string `json:"lastLogin" bun:"lastLogin"`
   LastLoginIp string `json:"lastLoginIp" bun:"lastLoginIp"`
   LastLoginLocation string `json:"lastLoginLocation" bun:"lastLoginLocation"`


As demonstrated, we’ve successfully automated the generation of structs with bun ORM tags. This solution can be tailored to meet a variety of other specific requirements, offering customizable versatility to fit our needs.



In conclusion, the `protoc-gen-structtag` plugin effectively showcases the versatility of the `protogen` library in Go for custom code generation. By utilizing `protogen`, this plugin efficiently automates the addition of struct tags to Protocol Buffer generated code, thereby enhancing the functionality of Go structs for JSON serialization and database operations. This not only streamlines the development process but also highlights the power of `protogen` in extending Protocol Buffers’ capabilities, making it a valuable asset in the toolkit of any Go developer working with Protocol Buffers.


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